Who We Are.
Monsapo – Innovating Sustainable Cleaning.
We specialize in developing and managing machines that transform used cooking oil into natural cleaning products.
Our cutting-edge, renewable energy-powered machines provide a decentralized, autonomous solution for sustainable cleaning. Monsapo’s linked dashboard offers real-time monitoring and insights, ensuring cost savings, health benefits, and improved sanitation standards.
Our Values
Committed to sustainability from sourcing to manufacturing, ensuring eco-friendly solutions for a healthier planet.
Advancing sustainable cleaning technology for greater efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental impact.
Upholding transparency, honesty, and accountability in every interaction and decision.
From Grease to Green
Introducing SapoCircle: A compact, 1.5 m³ machine that transforms 1,000 liters of used cooking oil into 4,000 liters of sustainable cleaning products monthly. Equipped with a special additive and functioning like a laundry machine, it sets new standards in eco-friendly cleaning.

Our Mission .
Tackle the environmental and public health challenges stemming from the improper disposal of used cooking oil and toxic chemical cleaning products.
Just 1 liter
of oil can pollute 1 million liters of water
90% of waste
remains unrecycled, worsening environmental impact
Around 70% of the global population
depends on harmful cleaning products
3.6 billion people
lack access to safe sanitation products
Our Partners.

A unique value proposition.
Remote Monitoring and Control with a User-Friendly Interface
Ease of Installation and Use
Proactive & Predictive Maintenance
Sustainable Production
Enhanced Safety Features & Quality Assurance
Seamless Integration
Ready to circle ? Get in touch with us
25 RUE DE PONTHIEU 75008, PARIS 8, France
© 2024 • MonSapo • Developed by Manifesta.uk